Sunday, November 28, 2010

HealthCorrelator for Excel 1.0 (HCE): Call for beta testers

This call is closed. Beta testing has been successfully completed. HealthCorrelator for Excel (HCE) is now publicly available for download and use on a free trial basis. For those users who decide to buy it after trying, licenses are available for individuals and organizations.

To download a free trial version – as well as get the User Manual, view demo YouTube videos, and download and try sample datasets – visit the web site.


  1. I'll be addressing some issues raised by beta testers here, in comments, as they come.

  2. Some beta testers accessed the HCE site before it was released to them. That is the site is being emailed to beta testers.

    As a result, they downloaded draft versions of the site, which likely were cached by their browsers.

    The previous draft versions of the site were not linked to any other site, but they were easy to get to (e.g., via a targeted search, or by guessing the site's URL).

    Once a draft previous version
    was cached, it might show up again. This could lead to broken links, for example.

    If you are a beta tester who accessed the HCE site that was emailed to you before, you may have to clear your browser's previous downloads using the appropriate browser feature.

  3. HCE was not designed to run on a Mac. In fact, a Mac OS version would be a good idea for the future.

    If you have a Mac, you probably know that you can run this version (HCE 1.0) on your Mac using virtualization software.

    Virt. software allows you to run the Windows operating system (typically the XP or 7 versions) on a Mac computer.

    VMware is one of the most popular options for this:

  4. Having said the above (regarding running HCE on a Mac), at least one beta tester has already installed and run HCE 1.0 on a Mac computer.

    He downloaded the Excel 2007 version, and loaded it with Excel for Macintosh 2011 (version 14.0.1), with macros enabled.

    Initially HCE did not generate graphs, but on a second load, after saving it, HCE worked fine.

  5. Just a quick one Ned.

    Typically blood sugars are taken more than once a day. Would there be a problem with a date being entered more than once, such as, for each blood sugar entry or should I average the blood sugar entries for that day and only have one date entry?

  6. Hi Michael.

    You can have multiple entries with the same date. Averaging for each day is not necessary, but can also be done.

    You can also use a date/time format that includes the hour. Just reformat your date/time column so that it shows the hour as well.

    For those dates where the time was not entered, the default value will be stored. In my case it shows 12 am.

  7. The beta testing spans the holidays. Might you not get better input if you extended the time?

  8. Hi Gretchen.

    I hope your question has been addressed via email.

    If any beta tester needs an extension, we'll handle it individually.

    Just send a message asking for an extension, and explaining why, to the email address on the post.
